The Idaho Contraceptive Education Network convenes Idahoans committed to preserving the right to access birth control in Idaho. Together, we offer education on the value and function of contraceptives. We advocate for continued access to contraceptives to ensure Idaho families can exercise their personal liberties in determining when and if to have children. Learn more about the ICEN Board of Directors here.
Birth control comes in various forms and methods, from hormonal and non-hormonal birth control to emergency contraceptives that prevent pregnancy before an egg is fertilized. These methods exist to allow individuals and families the freedom to decide what best meets their needs as they decide when to have children.
In Idaho, access to birth control has been an essential function of health care for decades. Contraceptives are critical for Idahoans to make informed decisions about when and how to grow their families and can be vital in treating a number of health issues. Most women have relied on contraceptives at some point in their lifetime1, and many depend on birth control to mitigate health conditions like endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, anemia, menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea, ovarian cysts and acne.
The reality is that protecting and expanding access to contraceptives is widely supported. Nearly 80 percent of Republican voters nationwide favor increasing access to contraception in their state, and 85 percent agree that everyone should be able to afford and access contraceptives. Restricting access to birth control is not only dangerous, and potentially catastrophic to women’s health— it is highly unpopular.
To protect and expand Idahoans’ access to safe and effective contraceptives through education and advocacy.
To be a leading force in fostering support for accessible and comprehensive contraceptive care so that Idaho can be a place where every person has the knowledge and freedom to make informed choices about contraception.